'Instructional style video on taking a plain summer top to an amazing look with Santa Fe-style. With your host Cheryl Bruedigam, stylist, designer, fashion blogger, publisher of Southwest Flair Magazine, former fashion model, skin care/beauty consultant. Jewelry from Designs by Cheryl B. Visit my blog for even more Santa Fe STYLE Fashion, style, beauty and makeup https://stylesantafe.blogspot.com Shop my designs at Designs by Cheryl B. https://www.etsy.com/shop/CherylBDesignsstudio'
Tags: how to , tips , Women , diy , summer , style , clothing , clothes , fashions , help , Tops , fashion hacks , style on a budget , fashion tips , style tips , accessories , stylist , wardrobe , consultant , jewelry , white , closet , dress up , bracelets , necklaces , scarves , Instructional , Southwest , Santa Fe , turquoise , fashion on a budget , how to dress up a summer top
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