'Here\'s what you\'ll need! INSTRUCTIONS: 4 Ways To Recycle Clothing Into Dog Sweaters Winter Hat MATERIALS Old winter hat Scissors INSTRUCTIONS Cut the top of the hat off using scissors. Cut 2 small circles in either side of the hat to make arm holes. Sweatshirt MATERIALS Old sweatshirt Scissors INSTRUCTIONS Cut the sleeve about halfway up the forearm. Following the seam, cut the arm away from the body of the sweatshirt so you’re left with a tube; clean up the edges if needed. Baby Onesie MATERIALS Old baby onesie Scissors INSTRUCTIONS Hold the onesie up to your puppy to determine how long it needs to be. Cut the bottom off of the onesie using scissors. Trim the length of the sleeves, if needed. Cozy Socks MATERIALS Cozy socks Scissors Pins Needle Thread INSTRUCTIONS Cut the feet off of the socks using scissors, keeping just the ankle section. Cut each of those tubes in half to create two squares of fabric. Pin the right sides of the fabric together to secure. Use a needle and thread to sew up the sides, leaving a hole on each side for the arms. MUSIC Seaside Scenes Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam'
Tags: dog , puppy , clothing , buzzfeed , pets , nifty , LSC , BFSC , buzzfeedvideo , sweater , ways , SthJ , VkMT , ciy , recyle
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