'Hey guys join me today in this shopping vlog where I go to zara and check out whats new for Men\'s fashion summer 2019. Try-on clothing haul. ▹ BUSINESS INQUIRIES: CONTACT adhamineema@gmail.com ▹ SUBSCRIBE! ▹ SNAPCHAT, INSTAGRAM & TWITTER @neemzzzy S O C I A L M E D I A - ✘ S N A P C H A T @neemzzz ✘ I N S T A G R A M https://www.instagram.com/neemzzzy/ ✘ M U S I C I N S T A G R A M https://www.instagram.com/neemzzzymusic/ ✘ LIKE MY OFFICIAL FACEBOOK! https://www.facebook.com/neema.adhami ✘ T W I T T E R http://www.twitter.com/neemzzzy C A M E R A S & E D I T I N G ✘ Editing Software: Final Cut Pro X http://apple.co/1lkUrII ✘ Camera: Canon EOS 70D SLR http://amzn.to/1HrenUL ---------------------------------------------------------- About Neemzzz: YouTuber, Mens Lifestyle, Fashion and Music Based in Los Angeles. Neemzzz offers informative, educational, and fun vlogs,tutorials as well as mens products, hair styling advice, and men\'s fashion tips on personal style.Also singer songwriter Social Media Links Instagram @neemzzzy Twitter @neemzzzy Snapchat @neemzzz'
Tags: summer , haul , shopping vlog , zara haul , men's fashion , zara , try on , try on haul , streetwear , summer fashion , neemzzz , 2019 haul , zara try on haul , zara try on , men's summer fashion , 2019 zara haul
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