'COMMUNITY FASHIONFRAME Fazuul : https://imgur.com/a/eJX0Z Dr Madness Saryn: Primary - Smoke Colors, 5th column, 1st row Secondary - Smoke Colors, 1st column, 18th row Tertiary - Valentine, 5th column, 5th row Accents - Valentine, 5th column, 6th row Energy - Valentine, 5th column, 5th row Vitig Mirage: Primary – Smoke Palette, 1st Column, 2nd Row Secondary – Orokin Paleyte, 5th Column, 2nd Row Tertiary – Orokin Palette, 3rd Column, 2nd Row Accents – Storm Palette, 3rd Column, 3rd Row Energy – Corpus Palette, 1st Column, 12th Row Have your own colour scheme/ want to suggest the next frame? Leave your fashionframe below for a chance to be featured in Community FashionFrame! Reach me at: Discord - https://discord.gg/pM6DWbW Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/hydroxate Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/hydroxate IGN - Hydroxate Instagram: Hydroxate Music: ASVR - The Valley'
Tags: Gameplay , color , PS4 , pc , warframe , frame , fashion frame , COLOUR , armor , accessories , color palette , character , xbox , colour palette , armour , Modding , helmet , ps , Warframe Gameplay , Warframe Review , fashionframe , syandana , Dojo , Nezha , corpus , warframe overview , hydroxate , off the runway , schemes , blazing chakram , Second Dream , circa helmet , chinese warframe , ring of fire
See also: