'Time to colour your boobens! Vauban Prime has arrived! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [GIVEAWAY RULES] 1.You must be a subscriber 2.Take a picture in game with F6 or F12 (Consoles can do a screenshare to social media and save picture to computer/phone) 3. Upload to imgur.com 4.Paste Link to image in comment with the title of your look! 5. Preferably in the Arsenal screen, in game is okay too. Prizes are: 1. 75 platinum code 2. Helmet or Colour Palette of your choice (I’ll add you in game and gift it to you) 3. Helmet or Colour Palette of your choice (I’ll add you in game and gift it to you) Winner will be announced in video on Sunday 29th May G’Luck! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Have your own colour scheme/ want to suggest the next frame? Reach me at: Twitter - www.twitter.com/hydroxate IGN - Hydroxate Instagram: Hydroxate Music: ASVR - The Valley'
Tags: Giveaway , warframe , platinum , fashionframe , prime access , hydroxate , Vauban Prime
See also: