'Lolita Fashion Experience Salon \"Maison de Julietta\" Roosa turned into \"Lolita\" Lolita Fashion Experience Salon \"Maison de Julietta\" HP (in Laforet Harajuku) http://www.maison-de-julietta.net/ Thank you for coming to this weekly Gothic&Lolita Fashion channel\"Weekly GLP\". \"Gothic & Lolita & Punk no Kai(GLP)\" is a gothic&lolita&punk fashion club in Japan. GLP-Club is going to distribute the movie about Gothic&Lolita Fashion every week. reporter:Ai(@Ai_GLP) GLPwebsite→http://glp-club.com/ facebook page→http://www.facebook.com/GLPnoKai Free BGM Site DOVA-SYNDROME Anonyment \"Enjoy Play\" \"After Midnight\" \"Gothic & Lolita & Punk no kai\"is a fashion club established by the leader, Ai. The club was organized in 2009 and has held events for people to promote friendship among each other and for ordinary people to get to know Gothic & Lolita & Punk fashion.In the event\"Alice in Wasedaland\" which took place at Waseda University school festival every year from 2009, Gothic & Lolita & Punk fashion clothes by Angelic Pretty,Atelier Pierrot,Black Peace Now,PEACE NOW were used in the fashion show and also Nobara Takemoto(the author of \"Shimotsuma monogatari\"),Kokushokusumire(the musican) were invited as a guest speaker and a performer respectively.'
Tags: fashion , Gothic , experience , punk , lolita , lolita fashion , glp , Glp Club , Weekly GLP , Gothiclolita , Hara-juku (Location) , Laforet Harajuku , Maison de Julietta
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