'Rules of the Lioness challenge: -Defeat a boss at ng+9 -Fist weapons only -No damage -Company of champions -Fashion souls required Secondo video della \"Lioness challenge\", la leonessa fronteggia la tigre del re caduto. Second video of the \"Lioness challange\", the lioness face the tiger of the fallen king.'
Tags: The , no , pet , Battle , Fight , epic , dark , boss , damage , souls , COC , Dark Souls (Video Game) , king's , Dark Souls II (Video Game) , Ice of the tiger , Aava , NG+9 , dark souls 2 boss battle , dark souls 2 ice of the tiger , dark souls 2 aava , dark souls 2 ng+9 , dark souls 2 bone fists , dark souls 2 no damage
See also: