'Frillfest Lolita convention'

'Frillfest Lolita convention'
04:18 Feb 3, 2022
'From the lolita convention Frillfest, I organized the btssb fashion show so there is some backstage footage from that! Hope you like my video, share it with your friends!  Find me on social media: Blog: mintyfrills.blogspot.se webshop: lostcrybaby.storenvy.com tumblr: mintyfrills.tumblr.com facebook: facebook.com/MintyFrills instagram: instagram.com/mintyfrills snapchat: mintxmint' 

Tags: cute , fun , convention , kawaii , lolita fashion , btssb , baby the stars shine bright , j-fashion , Angelic Pretty (Business Operation) , frillfest , pastelbat , mintyfrills , mintxmint

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