'In this video we wanted to show you the cute and classical side of Lolita Fashion. ⭐︎Our Shop⭐︎ Wunderwelt (used): http://www.wunderwelt.jp/en Wunderwelt Fleur (new): http://www.wunderwelt.jp/en/fleur お洋服を売りたい方: https://www.wunderwelt.jp/buy/ ⭐︎Follow us⭐︎ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wunderwelt2014 Twitter (English): https://twitter.com/Wunderweltworld facebook: https://www.facebook.com/japangothicandlolita/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wunderwelt2014/ weibo: http://weibo.com/p/1005055538732333 Welcome to Wunderwelt, an online shop for used Gothic & Lolita Fashion! Here at Wunderwelt you will find thousands of Lolita items both used and unused of a wide range of Gothic & Lolita brands and styles. We ship worldwide, and if you have any questions you can always contact us in English, Chinese or German. We hope to spread the love for Lolita Fashion everywhere! The Wunderwelt team aims to make Gothic & Lolita Fashion known throughout the world. Often confused with cosplay, it is in fact a unique fashion with a variety of styles, each beautiful and exciting in its own way. To help introduce Lolita Fashion to a wider audience and showcase its many faces, we created a video showing dresses by various brands. We hope this will inspire you to find out more about Gothic & Lolita Fashion! model エレナ https://twitter.com/spica_light https://www.instagram.com/spica_light/ model Iruma Rioka (Hollow Mellow) Official HP: http://irumarin.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iruma.rapunzel Twitter: https://twitter.com/irumarioka music HOTEL川久保 http://ameblo.jp/yousaykawakubo/'
Tags: Gothic Fashion , kawaii , カワイイ , Japanese fashion , visual kei , lolita fashion , angelic pretty , Moi-meme-Moitie , baby the stars shine bright , alice and the pirates , Emily Temple cute , Enchantlic Enchantilly , innocent world , 青木美沙子 , Wunderwelt , JESUS DIAMANTE , 甘ロリ , クラロリ , 姫ロリ , きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ , ヴィジュアル系
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