'Jenny Jones is gonna seem like a breath of fresh air after today\'s episode of What Not to Wear - the infamous lolita fashion episode! This tv show was heavily debated on the EGL livejournal community and I vividly remember people getting very heated - although I don\'t think I ever watched it when it initially came out. (I even remember a friend watching it on the next-day rerun and calling me afterwards to rant about it!) So I finally decided to torture myself and spend the $3 to get prime video access to this episode. I consider it an act of preserving lolita history. Hi! I\'m The Stitchess! I\'m an interdisciplinary artist and seamstress. I started sewing when I was 8 and loved it so much I made it the focus of my study in college. After a lifetime of battling severe mental health issues - I found healing in the radical softness and Japanese kawaii communities. As much as I love fashion and clothing, I also think it\'s important to consider how and where clothing is made. I went fast fashion free at the start of 2019 to voice my concerns over the rapid consumerism gripping the garment industry. By no means am I perfect, but I think it\'s important to show that change is a process. I believe it is always important to strive to be better, even if perfection is unattainable. Thank you so much for letting me share my art and process with you. I hope we can all grow together ^-^ I know there is a lot going on in the world right now so I figured I would leave some resources for those wishing to better educate themselves on what\'s going on: BLM Resources - https://blacklivesmatter.com/resources/ Acedemic Sources for Educating Yourself - https://www.myacpa.org/blogs/black-lives-matter/black-lives-matter-resources Places to Donate (if you have money) - https://www.thezoereport.com/p/10-black-lives-matter-organizations-you-can-donate-money-to-right-now-22948855 Watch this Video Without Ads to Support POC (if you don\'t have money) - https://youtu.be/bCgLa25fDHM (Playlist since now there are many more like this one - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRDvHO1Yt7NqQBCdl-ov0Z0h6Ui8Ki5vh ) Misc. Resources (this is an acting website but this list is actually pretty good) - https://www.backstage.com/magazine/article/black-lives-matter-resources-70841/ Music: Intro: Garden in Bloom by Mike Franklyn Main: Toy Lullaby by Etienne Roussel Licensed by Epidemic Sound Thanks for watching! ________________________ Instagram: @the_stitchess My Brand: softsugar.shop Depop: @thestitchess Business Inquires: softestsugars @gmail.com ________________________ This video has not been sponsored. ________________________'
Tags: reality tv , what not to wear , alternative fashion , kawaii fashion , fairy kei , thestitchess , the stitchess , jfashion , sweet lolita , Gothic Lolita , classic lolita , reality tv lolitas , kawaii girl reacts to reality tv , kawaii girl reacts , pop kei , what not to wear lolita fashion , what not to wear lolita episode , old school lolita , reacting to lolita fashion , alt fashion reality tv , alternative fashion reality tv , kawaii fashion reality tv , kawaii fashion reacts , otome kei
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