'lolita fashion show - PMX2012'

33:22 Feb 10, 2022
'Lolita style fashion show at Pacific Media Expo 2012. PMX day 3, Los Angeles Airport Hilton, Los Angeles, California on Sunday, November 11, 2012.  Designers featured in this fashion show, included:  Dolldelight   http://www.facebook.com/dolldelightpage  HaeNuLi  http://haenuli.com  The Snow Field    https://www.facebook.com/bysnowfield    http://www.etsy.com/shop/snowfield  h.NAOTO   http://hnaoto.com/ including GRAMM, sixh, Hangry & Angry, and FRILL  Baby, the Stars Shine Bright   http://www.facebook.com/BabytheStarsShineBright.Official  Alice and the Pirates   http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alice-and-the-Pirates/261552385071   Guest models for \"Alice and the Pirates\" included Satsuki and Tomo from the band Moon Stream.   I didn\'t bring my tripod for this show, but this is my first time finally trying the better recording quality (XP vs LP).  ^^;' 
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