'Video footage from the GUB Grind event, hosted by GuysUnderwearBlog.com - www.guysunderwearblog.com. This amateur men\'s underwear runway show was organized to raise money for the Colorado Spring Pride. More than $1000 was raised thanks to our wonderful sponsors and volunteers. See pictures here: http://www.guysunderwearblog.com/underwear-pics/the-gub-grind-report And visit the sponsors: Colorado Springs Pride -- http://www.ppglcc.org/ Club Q -- http://www.clubqonline.com/ Natalie Lynn Models -- http://www.natalielynnmodels.com/ 2(x)ist -- http://shop.2xist.com/ Mensuas -- http://www.mensuas.com/ Jake Joseph -- http://www.jakejosephco.com/ TRIBE -- http://www.tribeunderwear.com.au/ Maclovia -- http://www.maclovia.com/'
Tags: tribe , underwear fashion show , grind , Men in Underwear , 2(x)ist , men's underwear , Club Q , GUB grind , Guys' Underwear Blog , Jake Joseph , Maclovia , Mensuas , Natalie Lynn Models , underwear in public , underwear runway show , amateur underwear models
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