'Fashion is the true endgame in Guild Wars 2. But the real endgame of real life is trying to make the world a better place, and that\'s exactly what Cure Rare Disease is all about! We combined those two goals in a glorious fashion show for the ages! Over 300 participants and over $7000 raised for an amazing cause. Thank you for being awesome! See the legends in action here : https://streamlabscharity.com/@mela/hardstuck-crd-fundraise Special thanks to guest judges StaySafeTV and Xandrii! Cure Raid Disease is a non profit organization developing customized therapeutics for those who have been diagnosed with rare, genetic diseases that have no treatment or cures. It\'s epic - read more about it on their website! Cure Rare Disease: https://www.cureraredisease.org/ Xandrii: https://www.twitch.tv/xandrii Staysafe: https://www.twitch.tv/staysafetv https://youtube.com/StaySafeTV 00:00 - Intro 02:40 - EU fashion 16:04 - NA fashion 24:39 - Conclusion and Winners Support the channel! ► BUY Guild Wars 2 : End of Dragons through this link!! http://bit.ly/TpotGW2 ► PLAY Guild Wars 2 for FREE!! http://bit.ly/TeapotGW2ForFree ► Tip the channel and get stupendous perks : http://patreon.com/MightyTeapot ► Donations : https://streamelements.com/mightyteapot/tip Stay Connected: ► Twitch : https://twitch.tv/mightyteapot ► Twitter : https://twitter.com/mightyteapot ► Discord : https://discord.gg/teapot Join the Hardstuck community! ► Hardstuck Website: https://hardstuck.gg ► Hardstuck Discord: https://discord.gg/hardstuck ► Hardstuck Twitter: https://twitter.com/HardStuckGuild This channel is supported by ArenaNet!'
Tags: fashion , time , podcast , event , staysafe , balance , tea , speculation , gw2 , Guild Wars 2 , CHARITY , wars , Guild , MightyTeapot , cure rare disease , xandri
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