'\'90s fashion is everywhere and if you lived it, you know that Drew Barrymore was our muse and daisies were her accessory of choice. Thrift stores were where we shopped and Sassy magazine was what we read. \'90s throwbacks like daisies are representing on the runway, in magazines, and they are popping up on expensive new pieces. Let\'s take this old trend and DIY a thrifted purse into something new. Let\'s Hang Out! https://youtube.com/hgtvhandmade https://instagram.com/megallancole https://twitter.com/megallancole https://facebook.com/megallancolecrafts https://pinterest.com/megallancole http://enderbynest.blogspot.com'
Tags: fashion , tutorial , diy , style , fashion week , spring , 90s , handmade , NYFW , purse , hair , thrifted , floral , DAISY , 1990s , Throwback , thrift store , headband , Accessory , textured , drew barrymore , nyfw2016 , daisies , Meg Allan Cole
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