'Hi my name is Santi and I start a radio vlog on my channel. Hope you enjoy. If you have any question about Japan, Japanese culture, or anything else, please leave comments :) Arigato Santi -Sant\'s career -MBA from Trinity College Dublin -Bachelor’s degree from State University of New York at Buffalo -Tried start up twice in NY and Dublin -Former Emirates airline crew -Had a class at Chukyo University as lecturer for two years -Doing consulting for product development and being lecturer at major corporations teaching cross cultural communication, critical thinking, presentation skill etc besides YouTube activity -TLAK TO SANTI ONLINE If you have any topic you want me to cover, please leave a comment! I might pick and make a video for you! OR, if you need talk to me ASAP to have my answer, here is the option ↓ https://www.santiconsulting.com/product-page/test-service101 (A promo code for discount for my subscribers SUBS2021 ) ・Santi\'s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/santi_k_2019 -Join Santi\'s Membership to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNcH3IJ4sO1DCMP5G5hOAJA/join #Japanese #boys #girls Santi\'s previous videos -Japanese reacts to # cancel Korea Philippines movement\'s video.(Jessica Lee\'s) https://youtu.be/-Lm0IdgSXjk -Basic tips for foreign females: How to get a Japanese boyfriend 101 https://youtu.be/leWxOgO5Wg8 Other YouTubers\' Videos -Why Japanese Boys Won\'t have Sex Anymore: Their opinions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4zE36546X4 -Male Gigolos: Japan\'s Surpise Sex-Trade Boom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upymOJCm030 -Japanese Dating Culture (Part 1)
Tags: fashion , girls , clothes , japan , Japanese girls , foreigners , Johnny's , ARASHI , Japanese boyfriend
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