'Intro video for Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger LifeOfAlley My info: Website : http://www.banavenue.com instagram : http://www.instagram.com/banavenuphotog/ Life of Alley : Blogger: Alley | LIFEOFALLEY Website: https://www.lifeofalley.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifeofalley/ YouTube: https://bit.ly/2u4ZUft Camera: Sony a7ii http://bit.ly/2C3gyyk Lens: 35m 2.8 http://bit.ly/2BZWyML Stabilizer: Zhiyun Crane http://bit.ly/2nH4JJv'
Tags: fashion , Lifestyle , style , video , blogger , fashion blogger , intro , houston , Intro Video , banavenue , life of alley
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