'In this video, I bring my Tiktok series \"Trashin\' of Fashion?!\" over to youtube! I hope you enjoy the video!'
Tags: viral , fashion , trending , tiktok , Show , fashion show , popular , funny , weapons , YouTube , gaming , game , fit , PS4 , instagram , duel , for , video game , ubisoft , Honor , armor , pvp , drip , trash , gladiator , samurai , For Honor , knights , here , Vikings , shinobi , brawl , Breach , game mode , raider , dominion , warden , shugoki , berzerker , kensei , for honor fashion , wu lin , faction , faction war , show case , jay jayee , jayjayeeyt , jayjayee0724 , trashin , trashin or fashion , indeed , indeedgaming here , most popular game , paint patterns
See also: