'CURRENT OBSESSIONS! Beauty, makeup, hair, fashion, and music FAVORITES FOR OCTOBER 2017'

'CURRENT OBSESSIONS! Beauty, makeup, hair, fashion, and music FAVORITES FOR OCTOBER 2017'
03:02 Jun 16, 2022
'S U B S C R I B E : new videos Sundays & Wednesdays - http://bit.ly/29sWhre  Current obsessions: **Crunchi Cosmetics -- Safe, High Performance Cosmetics & Makeup -- https://crunchi.com **Gentle Her Finishing Touch Flawless Facial Hair Remover -- http://bit.ly/2iyteFx  **oVertone Haircare -- Healthy Color for Healthy Hair --  https://overtone.co **Monat Rejuvebeads (this is my distributor link) -- http://NathanAngela.MyMonat.com **Coastal Girls Co. -- https://coastalgirlsco.com  **Ed Sheeran\'s Castle on the Hill -- https://youtu.be/K0ibBPhiaG0  I N S T A G R A M : http://www.instagram.com/AngelaCruzTube T W I T T E R : http://www.twitter.com/AngelaCruzTube  F A C E B O O K : http://www.facebook.com/AngelaCruzTube  S N A P C H A T : @AngelaCruzTube B L O G : http://www.angela-cruz.com E M A I L : [email protected]   WATCH NEXT:  HAIR LOSS UPDATE - I REGREW MY HAIR!!! HAIR REGROWTH WITH MONAT -- https://youtu.be/Vjy2PJQ-mBE  UNBOXING BOXYCHARM OCTOBER 2017 - UNBOX MY OCTOBER BOXYCHARM WITH ME! -- https://youtu.be/0_gVcPvNZRE   CELESTIAL LIP GLITTER KIT | REVIEW & DEMO OF MODEL\'S OWN CELESTIAL LIP GLITTER KIT -- https://youtu.be/_ATgSzlT6jE   FLY WITH ME FIRST CLASS ON DELTA! FLIGHT REVIEW: FLYING DELTA ONE FROM U.S. TO ROME -- https://youtu.be/VRCoQycXfpo   THE SLEEP STYLER: 5 HACKS FOR THE BEST RESULTS! -- https://youtu.be/fBlPgkqiujs   SECRET EXTENSIONS DOUBLE VOLUME: Update! Do I like Secret Extensions Double Volume? -- https://youtu.be/3ZV7jef-PTk   NewPop: MY NEW FAVORITE WEIGHT LOSS SNACK! NewPop is great as a Weight Watchers snack! -- https://youtu.be/stGZH9CBjPo   30 minutes of makeup edited into 30 seconds -- https://youtu.be/C6PSKSTPK9c   DIA&CO UNBOXING! What\'s in my latest Dia&Co box? Unbox with me!  -- https://youtu.be/tfAfCqtQsUA  REGROWING HAIR! My husband\'s 2 month progress update with Monat -- https://youtu.be/TpBvqywHssk  DAGNE DOVER 13 INCH TOTE: WHAT\'S IN MY PURSE -- https://youtu.be/yy4lx8RJcJQ   THE SLEEP STYLER: Minis vs. Originals -- https://youtu.be/koM3Jzvz3n8    Song: Copyright free via Epidemic Sounds' 

Tags: Ed Sheeran , castle on the hill , monat , overtone , Crunchi Cosmetics , Crunchi , Gentle Her , Finishing Touch Flawless Facial Hair Remover , oVertone Haircare , Monat Rejuvebeads , Rejuvebeads , Coastal Girls Co.

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