'How did Ancient Egypt influence 1920\'s Flappers? All will be revealed in this short video. Major events, such as Neil Armstrong setting foot on the Moon, have had a significant impact on popular culture, inspiring Star Wars, David Bowie\'s song Space Oddity and even Michael Jacksons signature Moon Walk dance. Movie Makers, artists and fashion designers fell in love with Ancient Egypt as Howard Carter opened Tutankhamun Tomb\'s for the first time in over three-thousand years. Even the discovery of Tut\'s sequinned clothing triggered a fashion trend in glitzy sequins that is still felt today. The artwork on 1920\'s This video features some of the following trade card sets: Issue: Queens Issuer: Liebig Meat Extract Issue Year: 1907 Issue: Egyptian Kings and Queens and Classical Deities Issuer: John Players and Sons Issue Year: 1912 Issue: Wonders of the Past Issuer: WD and HO Wills Issue Year: 1926 Issue: Ancient Egypt Issuer: Cavanders Ltd Issue Year: 1928 Issue: Dancing Girls Issuer: Murray, Sons and Co Issue Year: 1929 Issue: Treasure Trove Issuer: WA and AC Churchman Issue Year: 1937'
Tags: popular , pop culture , 1920s , egypt , Star Wars , influence , michael jackson , Inspired , Jazz Age , roaring twenties , david bowie , ancient , 20s , flappers , sequins , Tutankhamun , howard Cater , moon walk
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