'#NYFW Day 1 + 2 | Chillhouse, Shopping in LES, Shows + a fashion blogger sleepover | MONROE STEELE'

'#NYFW Day 1 + 2 | Chillhouse, Shopping in LES, Shows + a  fashion blogger sleepover | MONROE STEELE'
43:10 Sep 1, 2022
'Here’s a looks at my #NYFW Day 1 + Day 2  ALL DETAILS BELOW  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/monroesteele/ Blog: http://fashionsteelenyc.com Magazine: www.steelemag.com SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER: http://bit.ly/FSNYCNewsletter  DAY 1 The Franki Shop: https://www.instagram.com/thefrankieshop/ Theory of Gaia: https://www.instagram.com/theoryofgaia/ Chillhouse: https://chillhouse.com KES NYC: https://kesnyc.com Greta Constantine:http://gretaconstantine.com Pharmacy Honey Potion Face Mask: http://bit.ly/2MZaJsQ  Special Appearances:  Jenee @highlowluxxe Danielle @stylenbeautydoc Cece Olisa @ceceolisa Victoria @vicstyles  WEARING:  Zara Plaid Top Zara Skirt [SOLD OUT] get similar here: http://bit.ly/2Do7iYi Wool Coat: http://bit.ly/2Dlkw7M Jil Sander Boots [SOLD OUT] get similar here: http://bit.ly/2ShNLmC Staud Bag: http://bit.ly/2PdhdEn  DAY 2 Noon by Noor: https://noonbynoor.com Nicole Miller: https://www.nicolemiller.com Bubbys: https://www.bubbys.com  Special Appearances: Hajra @hajra_aaa Elena Taber @elenataber Krystal Bick @krystal_bick  WEARING: Nicole Miller Dress: http://bit.ly/2ShR78V Jil Sander Boots [SOLD OUT] get similar here:http://bit.ly/2ShNLmC Wool Coat: http://bit.ly/2Dlkw7M Staud Bag: http://bit.ly/2PdhdEn' 

Tags: fashion week , 2019 , fashion show , zara haul , nyc , new york fashion week , NYFW , fashion week 2019 , street style , black fashion bloggers , black fashion , fashion bloggers , Noon by Noor , #NYFW , monroe steele , nyc fashion blogger , nicole miller , nyfw 2019 , Vaseline , nyfw street style , Spring Studios , greta constantine , street style 2019 , zara style , krystal bick , black street style , Chillhouse , KES NYC , where to eat during fashion week , indonesian diversity fashion show

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