'Grey (gray) hair fashion makeover and advice for men. Guys don’t color that incredible grey (gray hair), and instead just change the colors of clothing you wear. Grey (gray) hair rocks, and in the right fashions colors, you’ll be sophisticated and irresistible. Quick and easy tips and advice on how to build a guy’s wardrobe and pull together looks that work perfectly. This segment is for my GREY(gray) HAIR and ASH BLONDE guys out there. Hope this helps make “what to wear” and shopping just a little easier. ❤️ PLEASE SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/JKColor?sub_confirmation=1 ❤️ ❤️ You are AWESOME!!! xo\'s ~ Jill! ❤️ Paul’s color selections were made from the Jill Kirsh Color Swatch Book for Ash Blonde and Grey Hair - http://www.jillkirshcolor.com/cart/ash-blonde-and-grey-swatch-book/11 ✔ M A K E U P W O R N Jill’s makeup is from the Jill Kirsh Color Ultimate Makeup Kit for Deep Brunettes - http://www.jillkirshcolor.com/cart/deep-brunettes-dark-brown-black-and-salt-pepper-ultimate-makeup-kit/15 All Jill’s products are professional quality, similarly used in teaching professional makeup artistry, and used by many professional MUAs. Jill`s makeup products are mineral based, fragrance free, not tested on animals and made in the USA. All makeup worn is by Jill Kirsh Color http://jillkirshcolor.com/cart (except foundation, concealer, powder and setting spray) Makeup Artist – Angela Reno: http://arenomakeup.com FTC DISCLAIMER: This video is Not Sponsored – Jill Kirsh Color has purchased everything and there are no affiliate links. ✔ I N S T A G R A M https://www.instagram.com/jillkirshcolor ✔ T W I T T E R https://twitter.com/JillKirshColor ✔ F A C E B O O K https://www.facebook.com/JillKirshColor ✔ E M A I L info@jillkirshcolor.com ✔ B U S I N E S S conradmelinda@yahoo.com SPONSORSHIPS AND ENDORSEMENTS: Jill Kirsh Color videos are not sponsored or endorsed by any media represented in our videos. If you see a media reference or photograph, they are directly related to a “news” interview, or independent publication review of Jill Kirsh and/or Jill Kirsh Color products. TRUTH IN ADVERTISING NOTATION: All female models and Jill Kirsh are wearing Jill Kirsh Color makeup products only. This includes contour, highlight, blush, lipliner, lipstick, lip gloss, eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara, If/where Jill Kirsh Color does not have an appropriate makeup product in their brand line such as foundation, concealer, powder, and setting spray, other branded products have been used. MODEL/PARTICIPANT RELEASE AND COMPENSATION: Models and others appearing in Jill Kirsh Color videos are not compensated. The videos are unscripted and participants’ opinions and reactions are their own. All models and participants have signed release forms for appearance and use thereof. Forms are on file with Jill Kirsh Color. MUSIC LICENSE: Music is provided from membership to Soundstripe: © 2017 A Product of LEVELO MUSIC GROUP LLC, Nashville TN. https://soundstripe.com/legal. Of particular note: 3) Territory: Worldwide. 4) Term: Perpetuity. License is on file with Jill Kirsh Color. MEDIA, BACKGROUNDS, FONTS AND GRAPHICS USE: Champagne and Limousine Font by Lauren Thompson - http://www.nymfont.com/2009/06/fonts.html. Commercial license on file with Jill Kirsh Color. Redbook Magazine – http://www.redbookmag.com/body/mental-health/tips/g1478/february-2013-products-trends/?slide=4 Men’s Ties photo – resource: https://pixabay.com/en/ties-fashion-clothing-1149342/. CC0 Public Domain. Free for commercial use. No attribution required.'
Tags: fashion , how to , tutorial , style , men , guy , guys , expert , best , look , color , suit , skin , quick , hair , makeover , what to wear , fashion advice , pro , Shirt , Eyes , tie , grey hair , gray hair , gray hair color , grey hair color , best products for men , jill kirsh , jill kirsh color , going grey , going gray , best product for men
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