'Follow along in the video for two ways to create a fabulous Roaring 20’s dress! Just in time for New Years Eve! Bring on 2020! Don’t forget to give this video a ‘like’ and hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button! I upload videos every Thursday! ***DISCLAIMER: This video is not sponsored. All links are direct, non-affiliate links. ================================= ➖ Drama Dress Pattern Link: https://georgeandgingerpatterns.com/collections/dresses/products/the-drama-dress-womens-sizes-pdf-sewing-pattern ***Use code ROARING for 50% off the Drama Dress!*** ================================= SLIM FIT DRESS #1 {1:26} ▪️ BOHO Fabrics Link: https://www.bohofabrics.com/collections/stretch-velvet-special-occasion ▪️ 8” Fringe: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Y835FMJ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share ▪️ Cap Sleeve Pattern Link: https://georgeandgingerpatterns.com/products/the-mix-it-up-dress-womens-sizes-pdf-sewing-pattern?_pos=3&_sid=46dd959e7&_ss=r FULL FIT DRESS #2 {8:10} ▪️ Sincerely Rylee Fabrics Link: https://sincerelyrylee.com/products/velvet-stretch-knit?_pos=2&_sid=0868622c4&_ss=r ▪️ 40” Fringe: https://www.moodfabrics.com/silver-european-chainette-fringe-trim-40-116502 ================================= Colorblocking Tips: {17:54} https://youtu.be/V8kKSz1yiBI Sleeves and Bands Tips: https://youtu.be/YHX45OXpN0o 20’s Pattern Mash Blog: https://georgeandgingerpatterns.com/blogs/news/amazing-20s-pattern-mash ================================= FOLLOW ME! Shop: https://georgeandgingerpatterns.com/ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1486285618343038/?ref=share Instagram: https://instagram.com/georgeandgingerpatternco SnapChat: georgeandginger Reddit: u/KristiFitzpatrick Twitter: @GandGpatternco Email: georgeandgingerpatternco@gmail.com'
Tags: Designer , how to , tutorial , diy , sewing , Dresses , dress , pattern , flapper , pdf , fabric , 1920 , sew , swing , trim , fringe , roaring , 20's
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