'How long should men’s shorts be? 9 inches? 7 inches? 5 inches? Should they go past your knees? How short is too short? What about slim fit shorts? In this guide, I’ll show you what shorts with different inseams look like, and I’ll tell you what I think is the perfect length for most men. Also, we’ll talk about an often overlooked aspect of men’s shorts - the width of the leg (this is actually more important than the inseam length). Also, troll comments will be deleted. If you don\'t like seeing men\'s legs, that\'s your problem, and you should probably talk to a therapist about it ;) #mensshorts #chinoshorts #shortslength
Tags: shorts , mens shorts , short shorts , how shorts should fit , Chino shorts , slim fit shorts , skinny shorts , baggy shorts , wide leg shorts , 11 inch shorts , 9 inch shorts , 7 inch shorts , 5 inch shorts , amazon essentials shorts , amazon chino shorts , goodthreads shorts , bonobos shorts , mens shorts length
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