'Sharing my thoughts on all the craziness that is FASHUNNN WEEEK. instagram: bradmondonyc'
Tags: new , update , fashion , how to , tutorial , woman , Trends , week , models , hot , funny , queen , Long , Learning , NYFW , color , reaction , compilation , length , CRAZY , reacting , razor , glam , up , New York , wavy hair , love , react , hilarious , gay , 2017 , opinions , short , hair , salon , shook , bad , awful , fails , cutting , sassy , hair stylist , good , relatable , wavy , mess , Bleach , hate , brad , Weeks , Clients , mondo , pony tail , Braiding , bradmondo , hair dresser , top knot , sheers , flatiron , Curling Iron , hair trends , inpso , shookith , cool girls
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