'Find the MasonLock Kit in link below: Step by Step How to make sauerkraut with an easy MasonLock Waterless Airlock lid fermenting kit at Home. These lids can make fermenting any fermenter foods like kielbasa, kimchi, pickles easy with millions of healthy probiotics for a healthy gut. No crock needed. Tracks the date and is made of BPA free high quality materials. https://www.amazon.com/Accurate-Tracking-Simple-Fermenting-Mouth/dp/B071GQJJJW/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1506987687&sr=8-2-spons&keywords=fermenting+lid&psc=1 How to Make Fermented Sauerkraut Recipe in Mason Jar soup kielbasa probiotic benefits from scratch: For this recipe you will need: A pestle, a Knife, 1 table spoon salt, a scale, a 2 quart mason jar, filtered water, 2lbs of cabbage, and a MasonLock lid. Weigh out 2.5lbs of fresh cabbage Thinly chop cabbage. Add a few small handfuls of cabbage to the Mason jar. Evenly sprinkle salt over the cabbage. We recommend pink Himalayan Salt. Begin compressing the cabbage by pounding down with your pestle Repeat layers until jar is full and cabbage produces its own juice. *add cabbage *sprinkle salt * pound with pestle The less air space between the cabbage, the better. Let sit 25 minutes to self-brine. If after 25 minutes, cabbage cannot be completely submerged in its own brine, add extra brine until completely submerged. Making the extra brine: Fill a 1 quart mason jar with very warm filtered water. Add 1 tablespoon of real sea salt or pink Himalayan salt to the water. Shake well until salt is dissolved. Be sure the casket is set securely in place on the MasonLock lid. The Date can be set on the top side of the lid using the sliding arrows. You can use this to set the start date; or the date you suspect the ferment will be done. Add the brine until cabbage is completely submerged. Use a glass weight or other organic object to weigh down the cabbage so as to keep it submerged. Screw the MasonLock lid onto the Jar. Remove oxygen from jar by giving the MasonLock lid 3-4 pumps. Done! The sauerkraut takes about 8-10 days to ferment at room temperature. After those 8-10 days, oxygen must be suctioned out and Sauerkraut placed in cold storage. These can also improve shelf life for any item you want to store in a Mason Jar such as coffee beans, cereal, or other refrigerated foods!'
Tags: Recipe , at home , Organic , Benefits , step by step , Pump , storage , candida , mason jar , probiotic , coffee beans , pickles , kimchi , healthy gut , fermenting , gut flora , kielbasa , Crock , fermenter , fermenting kit , live cultures , Waterless airlock Lids , probiotic juice
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